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Dealing with Insurance Adjusters

Car accidents are always stressful, and dealing with insurance companies after the event can add another layer of complexity.  Understanding how to interact with an insurance adjuster can make a big difference in the outcome of your claim. Here at GB Legal, we want to empower California drivers with the knowledge they need to navigate […]

How do you prove a landlord’s negligence?

If you have sustained an injury while on someone else’s property, you may file a negligence lawsuit against the landlord. To succeed in a negligence lawsuit, you must prove that the landlord was negligent and that their negligence caused your injury. What is negligence? Negligence is failing to fulfill the standard of care that a […]

Accident at Sea?

Enjoying the sea is a pleasant activity that can turn into a nightmare if you suffer an accident. Whether swimming, sailing, or practicing any water sport, there are risks that can result in serious injuries. We want to help you understand your rights in case of an accident at sea. Below, we present some important […]

Prevent Falls and Stay Safe!

Falls can happen anywhere, but with some precautions, the risk of experiencing a fall accident can be reduced. Here are some tips for different environments: At home: At work: In public places: Remember that safety is everyone’s responsibility. By taking necessary precautions, we can prevent fall accidents and stay safe anywhere. If you suffer a […]

Addressing Psychological Injuries

At GB Legal, we understand that injuries are not always visible. Psychological injuries can be as severe and disabling as physical injuries, profoundly affecting people’s lives. If you have suffered a psychological injury as a result of an accident or negligence, it is essential that you know your rights and seek appropriate legal assistance. What […]

Injuries in the workplace

California is a state with a strong economy and a dynamic workforce. However, even in the Golden State, people can get injured in the workplace. A work-related injury is any type of physical or emotional injury that a worker sustains on the job or while going to or returning from work. Work-related injuries can be […]

Have you been a victim of assault?

Assault is a serious crime that can cause severe and devastating consequences for victims. If you have been injured by assault, it is essential that you take steps to protect your legal rights and get justice. What is assault? Assault is a crime committed when one person intentionally causes physical harm to another. It can […]

What to do if you slip and fall?

Slips and falls are one of the leading causes of personal injuries in the United States. Every year, millions of people suffer injuries from slips and falls. It is crucial to take steps to protect yourself and ensure you receive medical care. Here are some tips on what to do if you slip and fall: […]

Obstacles on the road when riding a bicycle

The bicycle is a healthy and fun way to get around, but it can also be dangerous. Cyclists are vulnerable to accidents, and obstacles on the road are a leading cause of accidents. Obstacles on the road can be anything that obstructs a cyclist’s path. Here are some examples: These obstacles can cause cyclists to […]

Low Impact Collisions

Low-impact collisions, also known as fender-bender crashes, are often considered minor accidents that do not cause serious injuries. However, even low-impact collisions can cause significant injuries. Although they may not be immediately apparent, this type of collision can have long-term consequences. What is a low-impact collision? It is a car accident in which the vehicles […]