The bicycle is a healthy and fun way to get around, but it can also be dangerous. Cyclists are vulnerable to accidents, and obstacles on the road are a leading cause of accidents.
Obstacles on the road can be anything that obstructs a cyclist’s path. Here are some examples:
- Loose or fallen objects, such as stones, branches, or glass.
- Poorly parked vehicles
- Works under construction
- Animals on the road
- Unexpected obstacles, such as pedestrians or vehicles crossing the street
These obstacles can cause cyclists to lose control of their bikes, which can lead to serious injuries such as fractures, back injuries, or brain injuries.
What can you do if you are injured?
If you are injured as a result of hitting an obstacle on the road, it is crucial that you take the following steps:
- Seek medical attention immediately.
- Notify the police.
- Obtain evidence of the accident, such as photographs, police reports, and witness statements.
Can you sue for personal injuries?
In some cases, people who are injured when hitting an obstacle in the roadway may have the right to sue for personal injuries.
The person responsible for the accident may be the owner of the place where the accident occurred, the driver of a vehicle that was parked incorrectly, or the company that was carrying out the work.
Contacting a personal injury lawyer is the best option
If you have suffered injuries when crashing into an obstacle on the road, it is important that you contact a lawyer specialized in personal injuries. If appropriate, an attorney can help you understand your rights and file a lawsuit.
Obstacles on the road are a danger for cyclists. If you take precautions to avoid them and are injured despite them, you may be entitled to compensation.
Contact us today to arrange a consultation.